A mobile broadband uses the local 4G/5G network to allow you access to the internet.
If you experience issues connecting to the internet, there are a few steps that will help diagnose the issue:-
Before carrying out any of the checks below, it would be a good idea to check your billing is up to date, as failure to pay would result in service being restricted.
If your payments are up to date, proceed with the following steps.
1. Reboot the router by disconnecting the power to the router and reconnect it.
2. Remove the SIM card, reinsert it and reboot the router.
3. Insert the sim into a Mobile Handset and test the internet connection, make a call and access the internet.
If you are still experiencing issues with the connection with the sim in another device, we will be able to approach the network to report the issue and check for any known problems.
You should now set up a customer support ticket and request assistance, giving as much detail as possible.