You can configure any of the settings relating your Company on this page.

LanguageThe default language for your service will be English. If you require something different then please contact Pragma Support
Time ZoneBy default the time zone will be GMT. For anything different please contact Pragma Support
Outgoing Caller IDThis is where you will determine the default number that will be presented to called parties
where personal caller IDs or other digits have not been selected
Numbering PlanThis is where you will select the standard numbering plan for your service.
You will determine the number of digits and type of plan
Conference Call ActionsHere you will determine the default way that users will join a 3-way conference call
Default Daily Call SpendIn default this is the maximum allowable call spend per user, per day
Max Configurable Call SpendThis value allows a specific per user call spend above and beyond the daily default
Automatic Call Distribution ReportThis is not sold or supported in the UK
Daylight Saving TimeEnter the day, month and time that Daylight Saving starts and finishes
Contact NameThis must be the main administrative contact for the end user customer
E-MailThis must be the email address for the main administrative end user customer contact
Contact NumberThis should be the main contact phone number for the administrative contact
Contact ExtensionIf the contact has an extension number but no direct dial then enter it here
Mobile NumberEnter the mobile number for the main administrative contact if available