You can configure settings relating to your lines on this page.

TRUNK CHANNEL> Trunk Channel Setting: Select the INPUT & OUTPUT types for your trunks
> SIP In/Out Channel: Add the total number of Inbound & Outbound channels

> SIP In Channel: Add the number of inbound SIP channels (NOTE: The Inbound +
Outbound channel total must not exceed the number added in the SIP In/Out Channel section)

> SIP Out Channel: Add the number of outbound SIP channels required
(NOTE: The Inbound + Outbound channel total must not exceed the number
added in the SIP In/Out Channel section)
> Carrier Trunk Selection: Select whether you require auto or manual routing
TRUNK ACCESS CODE> Trunk Access Code: Add the code you require for accessing an external line -
such as '9'

> Trunk Call Barring Profile: Select whether any type of Call Barring is required.
Leave as 'None' for no barring
EMERGENCY NUMBER> Emergency Numbers: Select the emergency numbers you require
for your service. You can add and modify entries here