Auto Attendants

An auto attendant can route an incoming call by using sound recordings which have a menu associated with them. 

You can set your system up to be as flexible as you need it to be, so if you don't have a standard time schedule, are only open certain days ,or need calls to go to different places depending on the day of the week, this is the service you will need.

Service Number

You need to give your scenario a service number - be careful not to choose a number that is close to another service to avoid confusion.

Schedule Setting

You can set multiple schedules to make the system route calls differently on different times of the day/days of the week.

Scenario Define

This is where you would tell the system what to do with the call during the times you have scheduled.

on the SCENARIO page, you can set 

- the name of the scenario


   General AA (Numbers 1-9 and 0 can be programmed to go to a destination)

   Basic Dial - Play a greeting and then DIAL another number/group/extension/scenario, eg "Thanks for calling xx"

   Announce - ONLY play an announcement, eg "sorry we are closed."

   Dial by Partial Name - used for dial by name

   Dial By Full Name - used for dial by name

On the DIGIT SETTING page you program where the call goes if a button (1-9 or 0) is pressed.

This can be SHORT DIAL (for a group/extension) or NEXT MENU.

On the KEY page, you can set the MIN and MAX digit that can be typed in during a menu, which restricts people from being able to access extensions/groups/voicemails. We always set Min 1 and Max 4 so only an extension can be reached.

You can also program the Retry / Previous / Start Point key to be # or * depending on your needs.

On the Option page, you can set an audio file which will play to notify the caller if they have pressed the wrong button/not typed when they should have done, a busy announcement, transfer announcement, vacant user announcement and lastly an audio file for an error.