You can add members to an account and allow each person to have their own login credentials to increase security. You can also set access levels across differing roles so that certain members have limited access if you prefer.

A. Creating a Login

1. Log into the Callswitch One Dashboard and navigate to the Account area.

2. Select Members to view everyone that currently has a login.

3. Click the Invite Member button in the top right-hand corner to create a new login.

See the screenshot below to create a new Member.

1. Enter the First Name for the new member.

2. Enter the Last Name for the new member.

3. Enter the Email address for the new member.

4. Assign a Role to the new member (see Section B on how to create and edit Member Roles).

5. Below the member’s details there is a series of tabs that allow you to be more granular with regards to setting a member’s access levels. In the example below, the new member is given the Administrator role which allows them access to all areas of the Dashboard (all Users, all Hunt Groups, all Numbers etc.) You can use the tabs to enable/disable access to specific Users, Hunt Groups, Numbers etc.) by clicking on them. In this example the Administrator has access to Users, but they are unable to view or edit Monica Grayson and Richard Jones. The users that this administrator can access are shown with a ‘tick’ next to their name. You can click the User to enable/disable access for the Administrator.

6. Click Save Changes when complete.

Once you create a new member, they will receive a welcome email.The member needs to click the Activate Account button in the email.               

The new member is then prompted to create a password which they will use to log into the Dashboard. When done, they must click Activate your CallSwitch One Account.


That's it! The new login has now been created.

1. The activation emails can be resent by clicking on the green ‘refresh’ icon on the Members screen of the portal. This is a useful option if somebody has forgotten their password.

B. Creating Member Roles

Member roles are important for security. Each role provides different levels of access within the Dashboard and you can decide which areas each role can access. There are several pre-configured roles in the system which you can assign. You can also create new roles from scratch.

1. To view member roles, go to Account from the menu on the left

2. Head to the Members section

3. Click on the Member Roles tab

4. You will be presented with a list of Member Roles. To view or edit the access levels for a role, click on the blue pencil Edit icon to the right-hand side of the role.

The different areas of the Dashboard will be listed and a tick will appear in the area that this chosen role can access. The screenshot below is for the Administrator role and the Administrator has access to all areas of the Dashboard.

When editing a member role, you just need to ensure that a tick is in the relevant box to grant access to that area of the Dashboard for anyone assigned this role.

1. To create a new role, click the Add Role button in the top-right corner of the Member Roles area of the Dasboard.

Give the new role a name, tick the areas that you want this role to have access to and then Save Changes.

The new role will then be created and you will be able to assign this role to new and existing members.